Hey everyone! Since my interview for 40 days has been a total epic fail. I decided not to do daily posts and post any interview if I get one. So while I was watching a Wizard101 soloing The Tower of the Helephant (TotH) they played this interesting song and then the idea hit me. How about a contest to kill the time? So I've decided it.
The contest is called Make Your Fan-Made Wizard101 Commercial Contest
The video must be recorded IN-GAME any outside of the game entries will immediately be disqualified.
The commerical can be up to the limit of 5 minutes.
Any appropriate music is allowed.
Feel free to give YOUR opinion of the game as a player.
You can have friend star in the commercial
And most importantly, just have fun!
Now your wondering, what'll be the prize if there's a winner?
I'm ranking the entries for first to third place
First place winners will recieve a code from KIFG and a chance to star in a music video with me and Marissa Petal
Second place winners will recieve a code from KIFG and help on any needed quests from Marissa Petal
Third place winners will recieve a code from KIFG and a few rare treasure cards.
To send in the entries message me your video on Youtube through message or tweet me the video's link on Twitter. The contest will end on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at 10 PM EST. Every entry will be shown on Youtube and my blog. Good luck everyone!
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